comics, big band witches, book review

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  • Accomplishments and some thoughts about some art

    newredshoes Apr 18, 2016 20:19

    Today has been really good -- a very nice change-up.

    Journalist stuff: I have a personal essay up on CityLab today! It's called "A Pilgrim in Chicagoland" and it's about what happened when I finally went home and... bought as much Chicago-branded merchandise as I could. I hope you enjoy it/can relate to it/share it, because popular-on-social-media ( Read more... )

    hole in my pocket, comics, dan sinker made me do it (journalism), scribbles, book review

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  • Well, glad I didn't jump the gun and buy more of his books.

    newredshoes Mar 29, 2014 18:58

    A few weeks after I got so mad at The Lions of Al-Rassan I had to put it away and blog about it, I finally finished the damn thing today.

    Okay. Talk to me about your GGK hate, guys.

    Because I for one would like to understand how this man's editors failed to notice that rather than showing or telling his story (and oooooh, hahaha, do I have ( Read more... )

    being a jew, book review

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  • New post at M&W: The still-unhappy-with-the-fiction-I'm-reading edition

    newredshoes Aug 16, 2013 12:11

    Oh no, I wrote another 2,000-word book review about a book I wish I'd liked more!

    A Stranger in Olondria was an interesting experience, because I sort of felt like I failed, in my role as a reader. I had a really hard time trying to picture the universe the author was painting, and I have to wonder if that's because I went in expecting a non- ( Read more... )

    book review

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  • But that day ain't yet come

    newredshoes Jul 30, 2013 09:58

    Okay okay okay! AAAAHHHH. I meant to be working on my feature article two hours ago, and I would not nearly have been this lax/distracted/procrastinate-y if our teacher hadn't given us an extension until midnight, but -- it's way more immediately satisfying to write up a book review of Alif the Unseen for
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    book review

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  • I'm still not here. But I had a lot of open tabs.

    newredshoes Jun 29, 2013 19:23

    I made this beef, mushroom and beer stew for my dad while he was here and he could not stop complimenting me on it, which is something for a guy who teases me constantly about my inability to cook. Guinness worked really well for the beer, but you can use anything you've got onhand. I bet it would be equally amazing with only the cremini mushrooms ( Read more... )

    fooding, peace love and basic civil rights, link-mongering, audio, book review

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  • So I said I would post something about The Tiger's Wife...

    newredshoes Nov 28, 2011 19:19

    ...and I did! The Tiger's Wife: What I wanted and what I got is more of a reaction post than a review, but there's a little of that too ( Read more... )

    book thoughts, book review, delusions of grandeur

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  • Fuck the Jazz Age

    newredshoes Jun 05, 2011 20:33

    From earlier this evening: Whoa, just woke up from a convenient Odinsleep. (If you haven't seen the Odin's A+ Guide to Parenting strips or any of the rest of hyuuman's Thor art, you're missing out!)

    Presently: Hey, just finished The Great Gatsby for the first time in my life. Wow, I loved it! Much different from how I'd always imagined. Mr. ( Read more... )

    art rec, thooooooooooor!, book review

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  • Books for throwing against the wall

    newredshoes Apr 28, 2011 10:56

    mithrigil, I know we had discussed me sending you The Kingdom of Ohio when I was done, but I'm not sure I can, in good conscience, inflict this novel on anybody, even if it was theoretically about the New York subway system. Here is the train of my Goodreads review, in three parts:( Well, this is a good sign. )

    help?, book review

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  • Esther's Formative Texts: Seven Stories That Make Me Who I Am

    newredshoes Mar 29, 2011 16:04

    lindensphinx was rambling a bit about formative texts she'd never read (I too have to read Arcadia sometime), and one thing led to another, and... and I have this list. It is an imperfect list, especially because I don't have any of my shelves in front of me, and even if I did, most of my books are still somewhere in Ohio. But it is a fairly good list for ( Read more... )

    le città invisibili, my childhood is not retro dammit, book review, i never stopped loving this, book thoughts, the war between, meme, omeros, comics, writing

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